Post by prodigy on Oct 3, 2007 0:08:35 GMT -5
The battle had been rather.. bland so far. The princess could not tell much of what was going on aside from the sounds, the screams and the shrieks, of men as they clashed. She heard the shouts in pain of men who were being burned or crushed to death. Sweat pricked across her brow as she watched the shivering trees, leaves, vines and the basic sheet of greenergy that was strung between the Princess' envoy and the actual battle between the ThunderFist and the Lucky 8th and the Fire Nation foot soliders. She breathed heavily out of her nose, her painted lips pursed tightly as she continued to lean onward on the saddle's pommel.
The Princess's head turned quickly as, through all the bolstered noise of battle, she heard a stick snap. For a moment, her eyesbrows were arched, her golden eyes wide, and for a moment, the collected manner of her was shattered. This was a surprise..
From the woods came a rain of sharp tip spears, small.. not the halbreds the Fire Nation Soliders carried. And then.. Smoke poured out of the woods, leaving nothing by the trees in shadows that trembled and shifted. Footsteps! Running! It was an attack.
Her teeth became barred through her lips, and her jaw clenched while her forehead wrinkled in great stress. The young girl grabbed the leather reins of her basilik lizard, jerking the one side quickly back beyond her hip. The lizard gave a screech, fighting aginst the bit and bridle as he turned on his hind legs, nearly leaping towards the warriors who had burst out of the forest. Azula rocket foreward, balanced perfectly on the thin metal stirrups as she lifting a hand upward. Her fingers clenched into a fist, nails digging into her skin. With a great yell, she thrusted her fist forward, over the head of the lizard. Swirls of bright, ice blue fire swirled around her hand, curling into a streaming beam of fire that snaked it's way towards that line of trees, towards the women in the green and gold that appeared as mere shadows through the smoke. Leaves caught fire, burning with the bright crimson of a flame, dry sticks became ignited, and the canopy above crackled to life.
"Mai, Ty Lee! Izanami! Look sharp, ladies!"
The Princess gave a quick, sharp kick to her lizard, bringing her still burning hand down to it's flank. "Move!" She shouted through clenched teeth, as the creature lurched forward, it's long limbs stretched out as it's body ran close to the ground. Azula lifted both arms up and above her head, streams of fire dancing around her crimson-clad form as she did so. She bit her lips in an effort not to breath in the choking smoke, the ash burning her throat. She threw out her arms to the side, a wave of bright sapphire fire radiating from her torso over the head of her lizard like a tsunami wave, becoming the whipping gold and orange of fire as it cooled, latching onto whatever dry brushery it could.
Post by vu on Oct 5, 2007 18:56:24 GMT -5
"Tremor, starboard! Brace!" Vu brought his hands down. Gritting his teeth at the site from his right viewport.
Clutching onto his seat he stared at the trail of uprooting earth speed towards them. Briefly, Vu felt himself weightless. The entire war crawler bounced into the air and slammed down on all four wheels. Teeth rattling in his head, Vu glanced at his drivers then peeped through his forward viewport. The tremor had caught the tail end of the war cralwer in front of them. Tossing the rear end into the air before crashing down.
Hate to be him, referring to the rear driver as they continued.
Across the battlefield playing out their right, Vu momentarily spotted the other three war crawlers. Strafing the battlefield with arcing fireballs as they made their way uphill towards the enemy rear. Smashing through trees as they sailed along the perimeter and for a moment the three were gone. Earthbenders had erected a small wall for a stretch. Attempting to obstruct the view of the three war crawlers across the field. Little good that would do them as the firebenders of those crawlers were arcing their shots over the wall. Letting the fireballs landing anywhere in the general vicinty of the fighting. Making their best estimates as they refrain from enemy fire.
Little good did the same idea prove on Vu's side of the field. Quickly did he and the two crawler crews partnered with him open fire on any Earth Kingdom soldier near their vicinity. Sending them into defensive maneuvers if they weren't too slow to be mowed down.
"Starboard incoming!" Vu's forward driver yelled. "Boulder high--BRACE!"
Vu clutched his seat again. Head rattling his helmet like a bell as the war crawler shook. Front end tipped forward and began to tilt backwards on its right side. For a moment it moment it stood in midair then quickly toppled over. All three men uttered their own curses and dismay as they felt the machine falling backwards. Clutching and bracing for the inevitable landing.
Vu was thankful they had not crashed into the war crawler behind them, which may have quickly steered around them. Otherwise the crash would have been far more jostling and violent.
"Everyone okay," Vu finally opened his eyes. Still able to feel the rumble of the engines and the muffled sounds of the battle outside.
"Geeeh...," his front driver moan. "My teeth hurt and I don't see the others sir," he responded.
"They're in front of me," the rear driver jumped in.
"Alright then," Vu turned his seat around as he rubbed his forehead. "Right us up," now facing the rear driver as he began closing and opening viewports.
In seconds, the middle portion of the upside down war crawler began roll over. The machine righing itself as its engines continued to hum. Wheels kicking up earth and vegitation, the contraption sped forth and continued its way up the hill.
Post by boragan on Oct 7, 2007 1:08:47 GMT -5
The explosion of the opponent was impressive. It managed to leave a mark on his armor as well as a scratch from the initial blow. Bora looked down at his armor and noticed the marks that the fire left on him.
He quickly aimed his attention toward Zilong as he smiled with glee. He narrowed his eyes at his deplorable smile.
"So, a cub with some bite," Bora sneered, "A challenge perhaps."
He picked up his tetsubo and raised it over his shoulders.
"You may have some fancy moves," he sneered once again, "However, I think it is time to start round two."
His let out a primal scream as he slammed his tetsubo into the ground. Using his earthbending ability, Bora and Zilong descend deeper into the ground. The ground shook and sank with their descend into the earth. Dirt from the upper layer seeped down into the ground at their feet. After the bending was over, they sank a good twenty feet while making a round hole that was twenty five feet in diameter.
"It's time to take off the kid gloves and start fighting!" Bora shouted as he controlled the earth from the side of the hole in a shape of a stelegmite aiming toward Zilong's chest.
Post by zilong on Oct 7, 2007 14:46:09 GMT -5
As the ground sunk around him, Zilong remained unconcerned. Let the fool waste his energy. An enclosed space, even one of earth, would benefit Zilong just as much as it would Bora Gan. The stalagmite came from the side, but Zilong was more than prepared. Gripping his guan dao with both hands, he brought it high over his head, flames once again curling around it, and swung it down on top of the stone just as it approached. The strong steel weapon and the flame that shot out as it swung down smashed the stone to pieces, negating the attack.
Pivoting as quickly as his large body would allow, Zilong slid his hands down the shaft of his weapon so they were touching together, and as he turned to face his opponent, thrust them forward with a roar. Out of his fists shot a positively massive burst of flame. His normal, one fisted blasts were larger than most firebenders, and his two handed blasts made the gap even great. Speed, flexibility, and agility were not things he had been graced with, but power? He had that in spades, and as the large blast of fire flew straight at Bora Gan, it seemed that this earthbender was about to find that out first hand.
Post by mai on Oct 8, 2007 14:51:11 GMT -5
Azula's cry prompted Mai to snap her reins, signalling the beast she sat upon to follow Azula's mount. Simultaneously, she slid her ghostly hand beneath her tabard and grabbed a few sharp objects from their holsters and held them to the side, ready to throw at any second.
Smoke veiled her view and stung at her nostrils, though not enough to prompt a bout of coughing. Between each finger, she held them. Polished crimson-and-silver blades - curved, leaf-shaped, and specialized for the composed young noblewoman herself.
As the darkening haze hid the intruders, Mai kept her eyes affixed on what seemed the vaguest human-like shapes in the distance. Seeing the figures grow in size, she threw her weapons. The figures were approaching rapidly as her mount scurried around the area, following the flame-spewing princess. As the human-like apparitions came closer, their outline the slightest bit visible through the smoke, Mai threw her weapons with all her might in the opposite direction that Azula shot her flames.
Post by suki on Oct 8, 2007 15:47:49 GMT -5
"Confirm the kill!" Suki shouted out, commanding Aoru and Hana who were on the left of the formation to split off and make sure the Fire Nation commander was dead or dting. At almost the same moment, however, blue jets of flame soared over the heads of the Kyoshi warriors and set the brush behind them ablaze. Suki's eyes widened in surprise. She had never seen firebending so intense before.
"Heads up!" Tsuya cried as the four charging Kyoshi warriors pulled up short for a moment, shields raised and clustered together. Suki heard a clang of metal as some form of projectile pierced through the fog and thudded against their wall of shields. Peering over the edge of her shield, Suki could see and hear the charging figure of one of those giant lizards through the shroud of smoke.
"Pair up and take them," Suki ordered quickly before stepping back from the group with Tsuya close by. Aoi and Kopa moved the other way, and together the warriors crouched low in the smoke as they readied themselves to defend the charge.
Meanwhile, Hana and Aoru came upon the form of the Fire Nation commander. A spear stuck out of the flank of his mount while the man had just managed to pull the second spear from his side. Blood was pouring freely from the vicious wound, but he wasn't dead yet. Aoru shouted a guttural battlecry as she charged forward with her sword held high behind her. However, the officer saw her coming and managed to direct a fire blast her way. Aoru stopped hard on her next step and ducked behind her shield, dissipating the flames around her.
Hana, at that moment, was following at a run just a few strides behind Aoru and she saw an opportunity. "Brace!" she called out to her comrade who managed to steady herself a bit more in the fraction of a second that followed. Hana hopped off her last step, planted her foot on top of Aoru's shield, and then kicked off hard in a leap toward the Fire Nation officer.
The severely injured man was already panting from the exertion of his previous fire blast, and didn't seem to be able to raise a suitable defense as the second Kyoshi warrior came flying at him. Hana's sword flashed and the commander's head seperated from his shoulders. The girl continued the momentum of her leap and hopped right over to the other side of the komodo-rhino. The beast growled and started to turn to chase after the girl, but Aoru quickly charged in a cut the beast hard on its rump. The komodo-rhino howled and immediately started off away from them, still bearing its decapitated rider.
Aoru watched the beast go for a moment, thinking that the sight would be quite disheartening for the Fre nation troops who saw their headless leader. Then, she and Hana charged back into the smoke to try and find the others.
Post by aaronaaronaaron on Oct 8, 2007 23:00:13 GMT -5
Ty Lee remained quiet as the clash of the armies began. She had no desire to cause bloodshed, but The Earth Kingdom would not relent in its resistance to the Fire nation. Ty Lee had seen these peoples coexist at the shows she had preformed in, but when it came down to it it seemed to be nation on nation. Many were going to die here, and inside Ty Lee felt horrified. Who was wrong here? Did it matter? Was it to late to talk things out? All these questions ran through Ty Lee's mind as she sat quietly on her Lizard, Kohji.
Taking a deep breath as Azula began fighting she looked forward with a flase smile on her face. It was time to take action, kill or be killed. She did not have the luxury of standing back and shooting fire balls at the people she was going to hurt, she had to see there faces up close and personal before she pummeled them brutishly into submission. Taking a deep breath Ty Lee waited for a gap to be made by Mai's hail of projectiles. As men fell Ty lee let out a deep sigh as she charged into the battle. She trampled over the many earth nation soldiers who tried to stay out of the way of the oncoming blades of Mai, crushing them under its feet and ripping them open with its claws as it continued to push forward through the soldiers. Ty Lee's lizard was wounded by a hail of arrows from some archers, one of the arrows nearly hit her in the side, but through either dumb luck or fate it missed by a few inches, hitting the saddle of the poor lizard who was beginning to fall.
Spotting her target not to far off, Ty Lee jumped of the lizard in the direction of a group of earth benders who were building up a defensive perimeter against the oncoming scorch of Azula and her fire benders. Ty Lee found herself surrounded by a group of earth kingdom soldiers wielding swords and spears ready to do her in.She quickly dropped on the ground as they began swinging, and tripped the entire group of soldiers onto their backs, all but one fell. In which she swiftly punched him in the groin and began running to wards the earth benders.
Ty Lee managed to get out of the way of the soldiers and quickly hid behind a group of trees. She began to climb the thick and sturdy tree, as she came to the top she began running along the branches and swinging from tree to tree, using her acrobatic skills to over come the obstacles. She found a tree that was only a few yards away from the earth benders, and it was facing behind them, and it did not seem she had been spotted. She quickly jumped down from the tree, tumbling as she reached the ground. Then, finding her footing she began charging to wards the earth benders.
Ty Lee made a sweeping trip on two of the unsuspecting earth benders and afterward tapped them on the neck swiftly. The two men squirmed slightly on the ground, and the remaining three earth benders turned and began using their powers to throw hails of rocks at Ty Lee and a tremor under her feet. Ty Lee cartwheeled away from their attacks and made a dive to wards the earth bender closest to her. She kicked him in the sides swiftly and he could not keep his stance, he fell to the ground holding his numb legs. The other two benders managed to get Ty lee's legs caught in the earth, she squirmed as they threw more rocks her way.
Post by prodigy on Oct 16, 2007 0:15:36 GMT -5
It was far to cumbersome to continue riding the mounts. They were fast and swift over open land, but cornered in the thickness of the woods, they moved slow and didn't turn well. The Kyoshi Warriors, strange women in long battle robes of emerald green, swirled around them like a fast moving stream. Azula's ears tuned into the noise around her, it was so difficult to make out anything other than shadows in the smoke. ..Perhaps it wasn't wise to have generated MORE smoke by lighting half of the clearing on fire, the princess thought to herself as she searched over the head of her lumbering lizard for just a moment.
The lizards drew too much attention, so quietly and quickly, without any words, the Princess slid from the saddle. Her feet, clad in those hard soled boots with the golden toes, were surprisingly light as she supported herself against the side of the lizard, carrying most of her weight into the saddle and belly of the beast before her feet touched the ground. She pressed her face for a moment into the leather, inhaling the smoky scene of the leather and the lizard beast before whipping around. Strands of hair seperated from the two tendrils that draped her face, blowing across her nose and cheeks as she looked out into the smoke. She could only see a few feet ahead of her... if that. Azula would have to tread cautiously.
Already, she had lost concern about all of them, Mai, TyLee, the soldiers.. all except for Agni. The fire spirit had to be protected, and her true identity could not be revealed as the Goddess Agni. Of course.. such an appearance would strike fear into the heart of the Earth Kingdom Soldiers, but now.. in this crowded little area of forest was not the time! The princess kept her back to the mount, almost fearful to expose her back. No that would not be wise.. but it was wiser to be lower to the ground, harder to spot. She circled around the beast, moving softly and low to the ground, almost crawling along. The lizard was hardly staying still, despite being trained for battle. It quickly gave a bleating scream, like a woman being guttered before it headed for the forest, it's long tail swishing aside the flaming brush and tossing bits and pieces of branches, on fire of course, to the side and throughout, leaving a path of burning brush.
Azula scowled as her mount abandoned her, and turned quickly into the fray. She took notice of the swiftly moving shadows, the ones she could catch and began to swipe her way forward. Her hands struck out, two fingers pressed tightly while the others folded under her palm. Plasma like streams of fire, a striking and icy blue of powerful, and hot fire, came from her quick moving hands in sucessive bursts towards the shadows, quite possibly her own comrades. The princess spun, shooting burst off in all directions. She threw a high kick into the air with a flourish spin, allowing a wave of fiery energy to fly out from her foot, a method of clearing the immediate area..
Post by suki on Oct 21, 2007 14:41:59 GMT -5
The lizard bearing the Fire nation princess sped by Suki and Tsuya. Tsuya offered a token swipe of her sort at the beast's tail as it passed, and together they started stalking forward after it. Through the haze of the smoke they could see the vague outline of the lizard come to a stop for several moments before it ran off into the woods.
"Did she run?" Tsuya asked, referring to the princess. Before Suki could answer, piercing blue flames roared to life and shot past them from up ahead. The smoke was cleared momentarily in their wake, and it afforded Suki a glimpse of her target.
"I guess not," she replied to Tsuya and then charged forward. The princess then turned a tight spin and swept her leg out toward the cloud of smoke, unleashing a wide arcing flame from the heel of her boot. Suki dropped into a shoulder roll, passing under the flames while Tsuya stopped and took the brunt of the fire with her shield. The heat stopped her, and Suki heard a slight yelp as the flames singed her comrade's clothes. Still, she continued forward, coming up from her dive very near the princess and bursting into the area that had been cleared of smoke by her firebending.
Without a moment's hesitation, Suki charged in with her shield hefted and her sword coming up at Azula in a deadly uppercut.
Post by prodigy on Oct 27, 2007 2:09:28 GMT -5
As Azula's foot, the sweeping of arc of fire soaring parallel to the ground, swung through her kick, she turned on her other toe, completely a 180 degree turn, her neck arched as her golden eyes remained focused on the glint of the steel of the Kyoshi Warrior's sword. Her back arched as both feet stood on the ground, stepping in a half circle. The woman's sword was coming up at her, and as Suki raised it up, the Princess could feel the wind from it grazing the back of her caramine shirt, the thin armor between her tunic-like top and her skin would not be enough to stop those swords. The Princess cursed herself in her mind, having left her back wide open to attack with that spinning kick. There had not been enough distance between her and that warrior. Her head rolled upward, following the backwards curve of her spine, to snap forward.
Her feet carried her through another 180 degree turn, no longer was she looking at Suki over her shoulder and now, she stood behind the Warrior. Azula narrowed her eyes, one corner of her lip curling upwards into her cream cheeks. One warrior was to her right, Suki, the other who had taken the brunt of the flames to her left. The Princess backed up one step as she drew her arms through their arcs in the air before her, stepping with a upper body turn first to the right. From the upward-downward arc, she pushed through her arm, thrusting her energy into the air which materialized in a rolling ball of ice blue fire. Leaving that, she repeated the same action to the left, sending another rolling orb of fire through the air.
Post by vu on Oct 30, 2007 13:40:02 GMT -5
"We've made it to three already!" The forward driver cried. Striking a piece of graphite on the side of the war crawler's inner hull for the third time today. Etched on the hull were numerous graphite markings with a box around them. A morbid tally of the number of soldiers who had been driven over by their machine.
"Five coins says we tally under ten by day's end," called the other driver from the rear."
"You're on," the first one replied.
"Then move us in position so we can get started you two," Vu blunty interrupted their banter. "Once everyone is in formation we can charge through the smorgasboard of dirt-feet down this hill! And ten says we pass the twenty mark," he concluded as the hill was further engulfed in flames.
In minutes after three war crawlers from either side plowed through the surrounding forest in a boisterous ambush, soldiers of the Thunderfist Battalion were quickly routed down the hill towards their comrades. The firebenders in each of the tanks bathing the surrounding battlefield and catapults through a technique akin to a flame thrower. Chasing the defenders away rather than fighting them outright.
Upon the hill, sparse vegitation, artillery and bodies went up in bright orange flames as the six war crawlers rumbled into a wedge formation. Preparing themselves to plunge down the hill into the Thunderfist Battalion's rear.
Post by suki on Oct 30, 2007 19:33:10 GMT -5
Azula's agility was impressive even for a well-trained warrior like Suki. The strike that she expected to disembowel the princess had missed its mark, and he hastily turned around to keep up with her nimble adversary. The Fire nation princess had spun around behind her, putting herself, unwisely Suki thought, between the two Kyoshi warriors. Suki raised her shield to just below her eyes and pointed her sword over its edge, poised like a scorpion's tail.
A ball of blue flames was hurled her way, and Suki quickly shifted her weight to the side. It was not the Kyoshi warrior style to sit still and trade blows. Instead, the shift of position and a slight angle in her shield deflected the considerable force behind that fire blast off to her left while she merely had to take one light step to absord the impact.
Immediately following, Suki stepped in hard and fast as the princess just finished throwing a similar fireball toward Tsuya. With her sword raised and tip angled forward and down, Suki stabbed it toward Azula threateningly. However, that first stab was merely a feint, and before it was halfway to its mark, Suki sharply rotated her wrist and whipped her hand around toward the side. The sword broke from its thrust and arced around into a hard horizontal swipe.
Meanwhile, Tsuya had similarly managed to deflect Azula's attack and started charging in with her sword point aiming to skewer the princess from behind.
Post by zilong on Nov 1, 2007 21:34:36 GMT -5
As the mass of flame rushed at him, Bora Gan squared his stance and raised both palms. A thick wall of earth rose between him and the flames, and they met in an explosion of stone and heat. The wall held, but there was only a small stone left standing between the Thunderfist commander and Zilong. However, there was so much dust released by the explosion that Bora Gan couldn’t make out where Zilong was. Wisely, he held his ground, not wanting to waste energy searching for his enemy. Zilong, it would seem, was not thinking so clearly, as his form soon burst from the cloud of dust, swinging his guan dao downward towards Bora Gan. The earthbender swiftly defended with his tetsubo, and there was a loud clang as the two weapons connected.
The battle quickly moved into close quarters combat, Zilong recklessly swinging his weapon, switching his grip between two-hands and one hand, firing of a blast of fire with his off hand every time he swung with the latter grip. Bora countered similarly, however, the close quarters gave more of an advantage to firebending than earthbending. With earthbending, one needs to draw earth from the ground before attacking, whereas firebending is almost instantaneous. The result was that Bora could not use nearly as much bending as Zilong in such tight quarters, throwing up small pillars from the ground or columns from the wall on occasion. He needed to make this a long range fight again, where he could defend and attack more effectively than Zilong.
With this in mind, he stomped the ground behind him with his left foot, and dragged his foot quickly forward. The earth suddenly shifted below Zilong’s feet, and he stumbled to regain his balance. Taking his chance, Bora gripped his tetsubo in both hands, pulled it back, and swung hard at Zilong’s head. However, Zilong managed to catch himself by jamming the spike on the butt of his guan dao into the ground, just soon enough to see the attack coming and react. Going purely on adrenaline and instinct, he dropped into a crouch. The tetsubo’s spikes caught the top of his helmet, ripping it off of his head, with one spike carving a long, shallow scratch along his forehead. He survived by centimeters, but the powerful swing of Bora Gan. and Zilong’s new position crouched just in front of the Thunderfist commander made those centimeters make all the difference.
Leaving his guan dao stuck in the ground, Zilong brought his fists back, and thrust them forward, allowing his entire body to follow the motion. A large burst of flame shot straight into Bora Gan’s abdomen, and with a gasp, the warrior was sent flying into the wall of the pit he himself had created, dropping his tetsubo upon impact with it. Grinning, with sweat and blood dripping down his face Zilong retrieved his weapon and slowly walked over to Bora Gan, savoring what he thought was a clear victory. Bora Gan slowly raised himself to his knees but, Zilong put a large foot on his tetsubo’s hilt before the weary warrior could retrieve it. The earthbender’s injuries from his fight with Mongke had reopened during Zilong’s last attack. Normally, he would be able to continue fighting, but the combination of Zilong’s attack and his previous injuries were too much.
“Over rated after all,” Zilong said, and then brought his guan dao high over his head to deliver the final blow.
Before he could swing his weapon downwards, however, Bora Gan suddenly shoved his palms into the air, and the ground the two warriors were standing on shot abruptly upwards, flinging both into the air and out of the pit.
Zilong landed hard, dazed momentarily. However, he soon found Bora Gan struggling to his feet a few meters away... and the Thunderfist’s tetsubo sitting right next to him. Grinning, he grabbed the weapon in his left hand, holding his own in his right, and used them to stand himself up.
“For that, I’m gonna kill you with your own…”
Suddenly, a Zilong heard a rumbling to his right, and found a tank bursting through undergrowth and soldiers straight for him. He had no time to avoid it, and getting under it was too tough for someone his size. With no other options, he left his feet, diving forward and upward towards the tank. He let out an “oof” as he landed halfway on top of the tank, and, then a grunt of exertion as he propped his forearms onto the metal and pulled himself the rest of the way up. Now on top of the tank, he got up to one knee and searched for his opponent, but it was too late. The Thunderfist commander was being helped into the woods by his men, too far away to re-engage.
Growling with frustration, Zilong looked down at the tank as though to yell at it, but in doing so saw the tetsubo in his left hand. After a moment of pause, he grinned wickedly and carefully rose to his feet as the tank rolled down the hill towards the battle. Using his guan dao to help balance, he turned towards the battlefield and raised the tetsubo high over his head.
“The Thunderfist commander is beaten!” he roared in a booming voice. “You are beaten! All that is left for you is death!”
With that, he swung the tetsubo down, and a small wave of flame shot into the battlefield, missing all but creating a small explosion. Truthfully, he was trying to save what energy he had left. Bora Gan had taken a lot of energy to defeat, and he had little left to spare. Fortunately, he didn’t need to do much else, as the tanks all around him relentlessly poured fire onto the Thunderfist ranks. Panting and sweating like he had just run several miles, Zilong grinned maniacally as he watched the Thunderfist begin to panic. Their spirit was broken. Now all that was left to break was their bodies…
Post by prodigy on Nov 13, 2007 1:10:13 GMT -5
The Princess grinned at Suki as she ran at her, her long tendrils of hair blowing around her face as she drew her arms back into her core, turning to face Suki now that the fire blast was delaying the other. Azula watched with amusement as she saw that blade tip from being a mere stab, to a swipe that would have disembowed her, had she not seen that move a hundred times over in her training. She also knew, simply common sense, that the other Kyoshi warrior behind her was coming at her. The Princess waited for a moment, with bated breath, before she ducked at just the right moment, her hair flying up and meeting the sharpened blade of Suki's sword. Azula was left with lopsided tendrils of hair now, something which.. once she noticed it, would not leave her pleased.
As she dropped, she supported her body on her hands, flat against the ground, and threw her weight foreward, into a roll along the ground. She kicked herself up into a standing position, whipping around to face the two women in green with both arms outward, two fingers pointed on each. One nail had been chipped also. She took a step back, turning her head just slightly, so that one eye could keep an eye out behind her. Hopefully Ty Lee and Mai were keeping the other warriors busy.
Post by vu on Nov 14, 2007 17:57:28 GMT -5
"You should realize that we charge a few for fare services!" Vu yelled to whoever the passenger was atop their war crawler. Some friendly who Vu and his crew had almost ran over as the platoon sped down the hill like a fire spouting steam roller.
"Tell him there's also an additional surchage for delivering speeches!" One of Vu's drivers chimed in.
"Maybe we'll eventually shake him off due to the speed bumps," the other driver joined in. "Or should we make a few turns here and there, sir?"
"Just keep our course straight," Vu replied. "If he falls off or is knocked off then so be it," he stated. "But if our human mast wants to be a target for anyone not running away from us, so be it."
"But feel free to speed up," he grinned.
And from there the six war crawlers continued their steam roll through the rear of the Thunderfist Battalion's ranks. Throwing them into disarray as they sped down hill. Breaking formations in a mad dash scatter for safety or forcing them forward into a crush between Fire Nation infantry and even their own comrades ahead formed up ahead of them. The defeat of their colonel and this manuever attempting to rout them, swiftly turning the tide against the Earth Kingdom soldiers as they were scattered to seek safety or stood their ground to be pressed from two sides.