Post by taka on Dec 14, 2006 8:05:52 GMT -5
Nope... it's been sitting on my desk for a while so it's pretty dry. Been collecting dust though, so I doubt I'm actually gonna eat it any more. *Deep announcer voice* Aden was forced into hiding in the North Pole, but to his delight, he found candycanes, which he forged into weapons using his own teeth. With these, he planned to conquer the world... *evil Aden laugh in background* ;D
Post by jialingjin on Dec 14, 2006 10:13:45 GMT -5
*Deep announcer voice* Aden was forced into hiding in the North Pole, but to his delight, he found candycanes, which he forged into weapons using his own teeth. With these, he planned to conquer the world... *evil Aden laugh in background* ;D ...Yeah.. That's Aden alright..
Post by fudo on Dec 14, 2006 11:31:55 GMT -5
WOOOAAAH Aden you look freakishly like one of my friends
Post by naru on Dec 27, 2006 18:29:35 GMT -5
I got a pair of Mandarin Duck Hooks for Christmas (just what i asked for ;D ) What are Mandarin Duck Hooks you ask well heres a picture! Pretty bad lighting though... Heres a better picture from the internet
Post by taka on Dec 27, 2006 20:16:59 GMT -5
I just don't understand you people and your facisnation with swords and ancient weaponry. Why not learn something you can use, like how to properly fire a modern handgun? I mean, granted, I would certainly like to take up bow and arrow as a hobby, but... geez. You people are all too much into this.
Post by aden on Dec 27, 2006 21:08:01 GMT -5
I just don't understand you people and your facisnation with swords and ancient weaponry. Why not learn something you can use, like how to properly fire a modern handgun? I mean, granted, I would certainly like to take up bow and arrow as a hobby, but... geez. You people are all too much into this. 1. Guns and Ammo are expensive and require you to be 21 to own. 2. You have to go through a lot of paperwork 3. You have to go to a shooting range or a hunting ground to use them Besides, I don't collect and practice with swords because I actually intend to kill anyone. It's the discipline it takes to wield one properly that's more of the target than actual lethality. Not to mention that swords are a bit more of an aesthetic wall decoration than a baretta.
Post by taka on Dec 27, 2006 21:41:56 GMT -5
No way. Whether or not a Beretta is spiritual or not doesn't matter. It's STILL a better wall piece. ;D And actually, you don't have to go through any paperwork. Just buy it from another citizen, or at a gun show. Only a fool would by a gun from an actual retailer. They aren't all that expensive. Besides, you can't tell me that the combined cost of YOUR swords, practice and real, doesn't add up to a gun. I don't mean a top-of-the-line Beretta. I mean a mid-class $200 dollar sort of gun. They aren't nearly as expensive as you think.
Post by vu on Dec 27, 2006 23:03:47 GMT -5
Naru, Yep, pretty bad lighting. And for some reason when I would find it hard to grasp the concept weapons referred to Mandrian Duck Hooks if I haven't heard of something along the lines of chicken claw sickles first. <<
Any idea as to the history and use behind them?
Taka, What does weapon and spirituality of a weapon have to do with anything?
Besides, if I got that job as a club bouncer (bastards decided to hire someone else) I probably would have carried (and learned the use of) a wooden fan. Using it when really needed on the job, plus it'd help keep me cool (a little bit) during the hot months and its not really regulated under weapon laws. It ranks along the lines of say a pencil or pen in that it's useful for civil purposes and can be used as a weapon if necessary. An iron fan on the other hand is another matter.
And it'd be hard to use a gun if someone was close enough/pounced fast enough before you could pull said gun out and/or aim it at them. Which is why I sometimes stay close to someone or something in a confrontation. Allows me to stick to them quickly enough if they do reach inside their clothing and if I'm too far away for that I can always throw someone or something at them.
Post by naru on Dec 29, 2006 13:15:06 GMT -5
Nope No idea what the origin is through learning to use them I usually get to learn the origin as well, so far I own a Bamboo staff, Wind Staff, Single Broadsword, Double Broadsword, NanDao, two Fans, my Mandarin Duck Hooks, a pair of foam nunchukas (why get real ones, im not good enough with em) and a Shinai, I plan on collecting more in the future. As for the origin of my Duck Hooks I cant find any info on the internet, and I agree with Aden guns are expensive and have more limitations, besides I already know how to shoot a handgun, plus learning to use ancient weapons is alot of fun, (and I can show off to my friends with them) imagine if I was walkin' down the street with those in my hands (sharpened) no one would bother me ;D might get wierd looks though And it makes a lot cooler wall piece if you know how to use it my next targeted weapon to collect is either a rope dart, or a pudao, and my friend is getting me a wooden katana with sheath for my birthday too
Post by gengoro on Dec 30, 2006 0:11:35 GMT -5
I just don't understand you people and your facisnation with swords and ancient weaponry. Why not learn something you can use, like how to properly fire a modern handgun? I mean, granted, I would certainly like to take up bow and arrow as a hobby, but... geez. You people are all too much into this. Well, I guess it has a lot to do with honor if anything. Besides, it's much more satisfying to disable (I use that term loosely) opponents face to face so you can watch their eyes than the use of a firearm, not that I would do that to people (less they really deserve it).
Post by sai on Jan 3, 2007 12:59:23 GMT -5
Image Removed for Privacy
I look so weird.
Post by chinagirl7594 on Jan 3, 2007 23:32:06 GMT -5
I don't know why, but you don't look Asian to me from that point of view, Sai.
If that's a bad comment to you, smack me with this rolled up newspaper. *hands you a rolled up newspaper*
Post by aden on Jan 4, 2007 22:44:32 GMT -5
Being the uber Sue that I am, I figured I'd add yet another power to my amazing repetoire of 1337 skillz... New and improved Aden with Incredible Floating Action! ;D
Post by jialingjin on Jan 5, 2007 2:16:42 GMT -5
For some really sad reason.. that picture turns me off. *sad face*
Post by fudo on Jan 5, 2007 4:15:06 GMT -5
Oh what power! Tell me your secrets!